Winston (prime) appears in the IDW Comic Series, a Secondary Canon, which follows Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II, also includes some elements from Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) and Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Versions) as well as being canon to Tobin's Spirit Guide (Insight Editions). In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), a Secondary Canon, Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II pre-date the game, Ghostbusters: Afterlife conflicts with the game. Winston in the Primary Canon is developed from Ghostbusters (1984), Ghostbusters II, and Ghostbusters: Afterlife. 9.4 Secondary Canon (Expanded Universe) Images.9.2 Primary Canon (Expanded Universe) Images.4.11 Miscellaneous Tertiary Canon Trivia.4.10 Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Trivia.4.7 Ghostbusters: The Board Game Trivia.4.5 Ghostbusters: The Video Game Trivia.2.2.1 Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions).2.1.4 Between Ghostbusters II and Ghostbusters: Afterlife.2.1.2 Between Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II.